From "Shirt Cocking" to "Playa Diddy," House Legend Lee Burridge on All Things Burning Man

From "Shirt Cocking" to "Playa Diddy," House Legend Lee Burridge on All Things Burning Man

There must be something special about Burning Man for someone of Lee Burridge’s globetrotting ilk to return year after year. Burridge spent time crafting a nascent dance scene in early 1990s Hong Kong, partied for months on end on Thailand beaches, and worked hand in hand with the likes of Sasha and Craig Richards at warehouse raves in the UK, but it’s his time on the Playa that brings back his fondest memories.

“It’s a place where you get that feeling of excitement you first got when your parents took you to the fairground or carnival for the first time,” he tells THUMP. “And you were buzzing from never seeing or feeling anything like that before.”

With the boom of electronic music culture in the past decade, Burning Man has experienced some growing pains that are parallel to many other aspects of an industry growing exponentially year in and year out. “I don’t see this as a bad thing,” says Burridge. “Hopefully the light bulb will come on and they will suddenly find themselves in this brilliant, unique and wonderful place surrounded by so many new potential experiences and the ability to connect with fantastical people and adventures they never imagined existed outside of the minds of crazed lunatics.”

Read the rest on Thump.


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